New Media Show

Updated: 18 Jul 2024 • 509 episodes

The New Media Show features Todd Cochrane and Rob Greenlee discussing the new media space with weekly guests

Show episodes

In this podcast episode, hosts Todd Cochrane and Rob Greenlee discuss various topics related to the future of podcasting and the use of new technologies in the field. The episode begins with casual banter about their current setups and upcoming changes in their recording schedules. They also delve into their anticipati

101 min
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In this episode of Todd and Rob’s podcast, the conversation primarily revolves around whether the podcast industry has reached its peak or not. Rob Greenlee starts by reflecting on recent research indicating a slowdown in podcast growth, suggesting that the medium might be reaching a maturation phase in the U.S. He poi

In this episode of the podcast, hosts Todd Cochrane and Rob Greenlee discuss a variety of topics centered around the podcast industry, mainly focusing on the desired shift from downloaded content to streaming and the battle for control, the implications of this change for podcasters, and broader issues regarding podcas

93 min
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In this episode of the podcast hosted by Todd Cochrane and Rob Greenlee, the focus was primarily on Spotify’s recent implementation of video on their platform and the ramifications for podcast RSS feeds. The episode begins with a scheduling update, then delves into the main topic regarding Spotify’s new capability to r

69 min
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In this episode titled “From Studio Eviction to Industry Speculation: A Podcasting Journey,” Todd Cochrane and Rob Greenlee discuss their personal experiences and broader developments in the podcasting industry. The episode starts with Cochrane recounting his recent studio eviction, describing the frantic move he was f

1 min
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15 May 2024 • EN

Podfest Asia Recap

In this episode of the New Media Show, hosts Todd Cochrane and Rob Greenlee delve deep into various facets of the podcasting world. Their discussion started with Todd sharing his travel experiences to and from the Philippines, where he attended Podfest Asia. Discussing the state of podcasting in Asia, starting with Spo

98 min
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