The Unstuck Church Podcast with Amy Anderson

Updated: 15 Jan 2025 • 393 episodes

With THE UNSTUCK CHURCH PODCAST, we invite you into the real-time conversations our team is having about church leadership every week. Hosted by Amy Anderson, this podcast explores common challenges in ministry and practical steps for tackling them. It’s like getting to be a fly on the wall of our staff meetings. Tune in weekly for: Insights, observations and trends for church leaders from the Unstuck team. Benchmarks in church growth and health from The Unstuck Group’s work serving hundreds churches across North America each year. Practical advice to help you lead your church towards sustained health. We think that after listening to The Unstuck Church Podcast, you’ll want to start these discussions with your own team at your next staff meeting. Add your thoughts to the conversation on social media using #unstuckchurch.

Show episodes

The ‘90s called again, and they want their 10-year visions back. In Part 2 of our series, Amy and Sean explore how churches can move beyond outdated vision-setting approaches to create more focused, time-bound visions that actually drive change. In this episode, we discuss: Why the 10-year vision approach from the ‘90s

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The '90s called, and they want their strategic planning process back. That binder that’s still on the shelf. The 10-year vision that has come and gone. So many churches are still doing vision, planning and strategy following an old playbook—a 30+ year-old playbook. Is there a more modern way to unify your church body a

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Wow, 2024, what a year of highs and lows. If there were ever a year to pause and look back, this is the one for us. In this episode, Sean and Amy are joined by Tiffany Deluccia, the third member of The Unstuck Group’s leadership team. We reflect on God’s faithfulness in 2024 and preview some of what’s to come in 2025.

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We have covered the things that can start to feel like crises related to the people side of growth, and we’ve covered the challenges you can expect related to the emotional side of growth. But there's one more area that contains a lot of practical, preventable challenges in a growing church: the systems and structure s

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Continued growth can feel like an engine.  As a leader, you’re seeing results. You’re running on the high of seeing the fruits of all the effort, intention and faithfulness. You and the team have been on mission, and you’ve sensed God’s blessing and hand on the ministry. And then it all starts taking a toll, and if you

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When your church is in a season of growth, there are certain challenges that you are bound to run into. The good news is these challenges are predictable. But just because they are predictable doesn’t mean they are easy to navigate. In fact, some of the pastors going through a season of big momentum would tell you it’s

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