The River Tiger Podcast

Updated: 14 Jul 2024 • 50 episodes

Our mission is to bring evidence based research and theory to life in a way that is engaging, fun and practical.  Join us as we engage in curious unscripted conversations with practitioners and researchers in the fields of learning, skill acquisition, movement sciences, ethics, and philosophy in sport and equestrian.    In our fast-paced lives, both humans and horses often find themselves in limiting and impoverished movement environments. But fear not! Our mission is to bring evidence-based research and theory to life in an engaging, practical, and fun way. Our goal is to bridge the gap between theory and reality, transforming your approach to movement skill development.   Join our passionate community, cultivate skills, build relationships, and champion ethics. Get ready for an exhilarating adventure into the world of becoming skilful!

Show episodes

Staying fit, healthy and injury free is so important to all riders and horses, regardless of age or level of activity. This conversation covers a wide range of topics around how we can improve both horse and human performance and longevity by improving movement ability, fitness, resilience (or anti-fragility), and reha

45 min
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This is a great conversation for coaches and participants of all sports.  Kit and equipment design has always fascinated me. Since my early days of learning to kayak in boats, wearing clothing and using paddles that were designed for men (not people shaped like me), I have been intrigued by how much our kit and equipme

44 min
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My guest this episode is Pete Edwards of Prowess Coaching. Firstly I need to say a huge thank you to Pete for taking some time out a few days before his wedding to talk to me. As with most of my conversations, this is (I hope) of interest to all coaches of all sports. I have always loved my conversations with Pete so I

48 min
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I love all of my podcast episodes, but every now and again I get to record and be part of a conversation that I could have a profound influence on both me and other equestrians. This is one of those conversations. For the full length introduction and links to research papers, go to the Dynamics Coaching website page - 

75 min
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I reached out to Sara Bref after reading a translation of one of her articles for the Swedish equestrian magazine Hippson. After a brief exchange of emails, I invited Sara to be a guest and Sara asked if she could bring Petra with her. I know I always say that my guests are awesome (they are), but this was a very speci

In this episode I caught up with my good friend Tyler Yearby from Emergence and US Ski and Snowboard to discuss his work in strength and conditioning, movement technique, biomechanics, and coaching. I hope that you enjoy this episode. Please get in touch with your reflections and feedback.  Research Papers(Re)conceptua

33 min
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