The Personal Brand Business Show - Personal Branding, Social Media Marketing, Sales & Expert Business for the Entrepreneur

Updated: 22 Jul 2024 • 267 episodes

Building a business around your personal branding is challenging for many reasons. Listen in as Bob Gentle speaks with expert Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Marketers and Creators from around the world to unpack their Personal Brand Businesses and discover what really makes them work. Leave the B.S. behind and discover the real stories of what success takes from the people making that happen every day. Guests aren't just great at what they do. They innovate traditional business models and find new ways to deliver value, scale, teach or serve and ultimately build wealth, impact through a strong Personal Brand. Guests on the Personal Brand Business Show™ are drawn from all points on the Personal Brand and Entrepreneurial spectrum. Some are early stage and some are mature. Some are practitioners adding value to the Expert Business space and others have leveraged Personal Branding and online business models to do incredible things. Each interview opens a new window into the wonderfully diverse world of Entrepreneurs, Creators, Coaches and other Expert Business owners. Each interview offers new perspectives,, impetus, motivation and nourishment we need to continue to grow both as human beings and to grow our businesses. About your host : Bob Gentle is a world renowned Personal Brand and Expert Business strategic advisor, coach and through his company AmplifyMe provides logistical, creative and technical support to expert business owners globally. Bob is also the creator of the Personal Brand Business Roadmap™ ~ Everything you need to Start, Scale or just Fix your Expert Business. Download it for FREE at Rated in the Global top 2.5% of all podcasts. ( Listenotes )

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This week on *The Personal Brand Business Show* I sit down with Mark Panciera, the CEO of The Pacific Institute, for a deep dive into the power of mindset and performance. Mark shares his expertise on controlling and changing our thoughts, managing the "monkey mind," and addressing blind spots and limitations in both p

38 min
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In our latest episode, we dive deep with Charles Alexander, a productivity powerhouse who helps business owners transform their work lives. From tackling the glorification of busyness to making the dream of a four-day workweek a reality, this conversation is packed with actionable insights! Here are three key takeaways

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Welcome to another episode of The Personal Brand Business Show! Today, Bob and Robbie Swale dive deep into the intricacies of building and growing a coaching business. Inspired by Jim Collins' concept of the virtuous cycle, Robbie introduces the Coaching Business Flywheel—a powerful framework designed to gain momentum

51 min
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We are known by the stories we tell. And yet many of us either fail to tell the story of our business at all or it emerges knee-jerk and semi conscious and goes off in directions which really don't serve our business or communicate the things which really matter. As solo or small businesses this is bad enough but my gu

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Bob Gentle & Jason Barnard 10 Jun 2024 • EN

How your brand can win the new AI search game, with Jason Barnard

Times of transition are times of opportunity and as search marketing and SEO scramble to adapt t generative AI powered search results and conversational search, small brand have more opportunity to thrive than they perhaps realise. This week on the podcast I'm speaking with Jason Barnard, the 'Brand SERP ( search engin

43 min
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Coaches and consultants deliver their services in more ways than you can imagine. They're creative people who change the world. But there's a problem. Great people who do great things can often find it hard to connect with the people who most need them. It's sad and today that's what we're going to step towards fixing.

43 min
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