The FSF PopCast
Made by Nerds, for Nerds! We are a group of pop culture addicts who love to talk scifi and pop culture with our guests! Find us on all your favorite podcast platforms, Patreon and YouTube!
Show episodes
Skeleton Crew Episode 4 Review ** SPOILER WARNING** Can't Say I Remember no At Attin! That saying will become part of the nerd vernacular, much like "This is the Way" has with The Mandalorian over the last few years. Let's dive into Goonies in Space - Episode 4 and find out why that saying is important, why Neel must b
The Bionicle Man Comic book artist and man of many nerdoms, Stuart Sayger, sat down with us after the 2024 Grand Rapids Comic Con to talk about his career in the Comic industry, his love for art, and how being an art historian was nearly his path in life, and also why he draws Batman and Robin the way he does. We also
FSF PopCast Happy Hour The Boys are back in town! It will be a Kathleen-free evening. So we are going to drink our warm drinks, whether they are warm or warm you up, and talk nerdy with you all. Seven years ago, Lucasfilm and Disney released The Last Jedi for Star Wars on December 15, 2017. Talk about a mixed review! S
Skeleton Crew Episode 3 Review ** Spoiler Warning ** GOONIES IN SPACE! We are a loving this show! Pirates, legends throwbacks, tie ins to existing canon, nods to other pirate and pop culture shows, oh and all the Easter Eggs you can handle! If you’re ready to revisit episode 3 with us - we have LOTS to talk about. See
Cats, Star Trek, and Gilmore Girls Editor, Producer, Podcaster, and Author Laurie Ulster joins us to discuss Cats, Star Trek, and Gilmore Girls. Laurie has been at for some time, writing articles, conducting interviews with Trek stars, and running a podcast for the channel. She is also the author of a Gil
Game Time! Star Wars RPG Round 31 Session 31! Ben, Kathleen, Tim and Sam from Growing up Skywalker (the best Star Wars podcast in the land) will try to hide from the dangers that Producer John - our GM - tries to land at our feet. Tonight’s Story - Core of Corruption Having rescued Edna’s mother from the brutal clutche