The Dork Forest
The Dork Forest is a show where I, Jackie Kashian, interview everyone and anyone about what they really really like. ie thier dorkdom. Started in 2006, the youtube page has clips and full episodes. www.jackiekashian.com and www.dorkforest.com will lead you to all the information you may ever need re this show and Jackie's standup. Guests speak to their love of books, TV, Movies, Comic books, websites, food, wrestling, cars, action figures and bees. Thanks for enjoying the show.
Show episodes
Trigger warning – we talk about grief and death and TJ Ford (deathready.org - & substack - @deathreadycoach on IG) has always wanted to cheer people up and have them be cool with dying. Her dying, you dying. Me dying. Get ready. 😊 Donate to The Dork Forest if you like the show. The paypal is my email jackie@jackiekash
Hari Kondabolu (@ and .com) is a great comic and has always loved baseball – for the game, for the history, for the players. It’s a good one. You will love. Donate to The Dork Forest if you like the show. The paypal is my email jackie@jackiekashian.com and venmo is jackiekashian. Links to everything is at www.dorkfor
Mike Drucker (@mikedruckerisdead is a great comic, writer and has a new book coming Good Game No Rematch. Get it). We talk tabletop roll playing games - solo play!! So cool. You will love. https://www.amazon.com/Good-Game-No-Rematch-Video/dp/1335012699 Donate to The Dork Forest if you like the show. The paypal is my em
Sarah Hagen (@SarahHagenComedy I guess and sarahhagen.weebly.com) is a comic in Eugene and REALLY excited about Math and Pi in particular on this March day. This was great. My brain hurts from math, but I learned stuff! You will love. Donate to The Dork Forest if you like the show. The paypal is my email jackie@jackiek
Alexander Mathios (@ze_mathios) is about to graduate with a degree in food science and he STILL LOVES IT. We talk. I learn things. Enjoy! Donate to The Dork Forest if you like the show. The paypal is my email jackie@jackiekashian.com and venmo is jackiekashian. Links to everything is at www.dorkforest.com or www.jackie
He’s got an hour. We talk the Byzantine Empire and Christians, Jews Muslims and the Roman Concrete. You will love. He’s @guybranum and has shows @lyrichyperion feb 27 and more in March and April. Enjoy. Donate to The Dork Forest if you like the show. The paypal is my email jackie@jackiekashian.com and venmo is jackieka