The AJNashville Podcast

Updated: 23 Aug 2024 • 244 episodes

AJNashville Podcast will feature guests from all walks of life. You will hear stories of success, stories of failure. Most of all, you will hear how people have overcome the failures in life and made something epic out of the lessons they learned. This podcast will have entertaining and intriguing content for listeners everywhere.

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Let"s welcome our superstar guest speaker this week, Clay Fitzpatrick, as he runs us through a day in the life of a motivated and hardworking young man in today"s society. He is a full time college student with a full time job and still finds time to sacrifice for his country through the National Guard. Finding unconve

30 min
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Join us this week as we talk shop with Alisa Fitzpatrick about the new changes coming to the real estate world. Who is really being impacted by these changes most? And how can we help people stay ahead of the game by educating and informing them on all the details first so that they can make the best decision for thems

29 min
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09 Aug 2024 • EN

Time Waits For None

On a day to day basis, are you keeping a positive mindset and taking action that propels you into the future that you desire for yourself? Are you being intentional about pursuing your goals and achieving your success? Are you giving everything you can to get the most accomplished with the time you are given? Or do you

19 min
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02 Aug 2024 • EN

Imperfect Action

It"s better to take imperfect action than no action at all. All too often end up allowing ourselves to get swept away from the end goal entirely because we focus too much on how we"re going to get there exactly instead of just getting there. How many times do we decide to slow walk when we should be jumping? Are we let

18 min
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26 Jul 2024 • EN

Say What You Mean!

Let"s talk about talk. How often do you truly stop and think about what you want to say before you actually start speaking aloud? What if you could communicate what you really mean to say? Wouldn"t you like to articulate words in a way that others receive more clearly and appreciate the way you specifically delivered y

14 min
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19 Jul 2024 • EN

True Colors

Choose to take action on the things that directly impact your life and make them your highest priority if they involve you or your family. Sometimes you need to reevaluate your priorities if they allow you to become consumed by hatred for others or lazy enough to no longer want to take action to better yourself and you

17 min
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