The 5 Minute Mom Podcast
Real Life. Real Faith. Real Fast. Listen to five minute encouraging teaching and prayers with host Audra Haney, as well as guest interviews under 30 minutes. Audra's passion is to help moms claim truth, gain confidence, and walk in freedom--all before the kids wake up from their nap! To get a FREE download of 50 Spiritual Conversation Starters for kids, visit www.AudraHaney.com
Show episodes
I think we can all agree that we want our children to be full of joy! Right? But, I think I’m too often guilty of confusing joy and happiness- temporary wonderful feelings or circumstances- or maybe even a jolly disposition. What if we prayed for our children to have MORE than a feeling that can come and go. But what
Isn’t it amazing that we can talk to the King of the Universe about anything- at any time?!? He doesn’t just care about the big things, but he cares about every detail of our lives. That he is a faithful friend and a compassionate, loving Father. But- even with this knowledge- as an adult- it can be so difficult to p
I want my children to have a supernatural love for Jesus. I want them to follow him wholeheartedly. I want them to live passionately for him- with so much trust and abandon. I want them to live in this world and not be shaken or moved by culture, hardship, or trials. But- in order to build such faith- they must KNOW Go
I often say to my husband and my friends- "There is no Christian bubble wrap for this world we are living in." What I mean by that is, no matter how hard we work to only place them in the right place, and settings, around the right people, intaking the right media or music, or keep them from devices or dangerous influe
A couple of years ago, my husband and I went on a retreat to talk about our vision for parenting. It was so powerful and I walked away with a desire for my kids to be WHOLE in this generation- physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and relationally. And, God affirmed this in a BEAUTIFUL way through scripture!
Let's cover our kids in prayer this school year! Take 5 minutes to intercede for your kids and the other families listening. Get your FREE download of 50 Spiritual Conversation Starters for Kids New or expecting mom? Join our Mom's First Steps Community Join our monthly newsletter & get resources and encouragement se