The Good Listening To Show: Stories of Distinction & Genius

Updated: 19 Dec 2023 • 182 episodes

Cutting through the noise with stories of Distinction & Genius & welcome to the "Genius Club!" Think "Desert Island Discs" but in a 'Clearing' and with stories rather than music. This is the storytelling podcast that all takes place in 'The Clearing' (or 'serious happy place' of my Guest's choosing) and from where the 'story behind the story' of being them unfolds. It's the Storytelling show with the Squirrels & the Tree from Motivational Comedian Chris Grimes! 'The Clearing' is where all good QUESTIONS come to be asked and all good STORIES come to be told! All my Guests have 2 things in common: They are all creative individuals from the worlds of Arts & Entertainment, Business & Culture and all with a story of 'distinction & genius' to tell. "Who are you? What's your story? And what 'life-lessons-learned-along-your-way' would you like to share with us?" And whilst we've got you here in "The Clearing": "What would you like your legacy to be? How would you most like to be remembered?" This is the Storytelling Podcast series from "MojoCoach", Facilitator & Motivational Comedian Chris Grimes. With some lovely Storytelling metaphors to also enjoy along the way: The Clearing itself, a Tree, a lovely juicy Storytelling exercise called "5-4-3-2-1", some Alchemy, some Gold, a cheeky bit of Shakespeare, a couple of random Squirrels and a Cake! So it's all to play for! "Being in 'The Good listening To Show' is like having a 'Day Spa' for your Brain!" (So saideth Wendy Bagger!) So - let's cut through the noise and get listening! See also + + Twitter @thatchrisgrimes 

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