Startup Acquisition Stories
Get the inside look at how startup founders and entrepreneurs used Acquire.com (formerly MicroAcquire) to sell their startup or buy an online business. Learn tips on how to vet sellers/buyers, justify valuations, negotiate terms, handle due diligence, asset transfers, escrow, post-acquisition support, and more!
Show episodes
If Ian Fourie could give two pieces of advice to founders selling their SaaS startups, he’d say: Register your business in only one country Start pushing founder responsibilities to employees as soon as you can Ian sold his online corporate training startup, Pluto LMS, on Acquire.com fast (in just two weeks). However,
What does it take to sell a startup for almost 20 times what you paid for it?Gabriella (Gabby) Rosen says it comes down to three things:Having an unfair advantage when you buyListing on Acquire.com for slightly less than it’s worth when you sellUnderselling the product in the listing when you sellGabby originally acqui
Have you ever fantasized about quitting your job and living off savings until you built a successful business or ran out of cash? SaaS builder Kamil Zowczac nearly accomplished both at the same time. While living in Bali off the money he’d earned as a project manager at a startup, Kamil taught himself to code and built
Founder Sukhpal Saini thinks you should consider offering lifetime subscriptions (at least for a time). He knows because he built a Shopify interface for Stripe that just couldn’t hold down recurring customers. Called Reetail, Sukhpal operated the application for two years and got consistent users. The problem was they
While working full-time as a pharmaceutical sales rep, Bobby Dimovski noticed that medical professionals were: Always looking for new ways to grow their business. Usually 10 years behind on marketing trends. Hard to access (unless you were a pharmaceutical sales rep). Armed with this information and wanting to save for
After building and selling one of the first ChatGPT plagiarism checkers on the market in 2024, Tomer Tarsky decided to search Acquire.com for another project in the edtech AI space. He found a promising business, grew it for seven months, and sold it for three times the purchase price. The business Tomer stumbled acros