School of Podcasting - Podcast Tips to Plan, Launch, Grow Your Podcast
You want to start a podcast, but you’re unsure where to start. You need advice on how to grow or monetize your show, and stop being so scared that it won’t work! I can help by showing you what mistakes NOT TO MAKE and much more. Subscribe to the show and soak in the 18+ years of podcasting experience from Podcaster Hall of Fame Inductee Dave Jackson.
Show episodes
You can totally monetize a podcast even if your audience is smaller and niche. It's like having a tiny but super passionate fan club instead of a massive crowd that’s half-asleep. Today, we’re chatting with Ray Arnett from aroundthelayout.com, who lives, eats, and breathes the world of model railroads. He’s got some wi
Today, we’re exploring the world of partnerships versus sponsorships with the fabulous Stephanie Thompson. The key takeaway? Partnerships are better at growing your show. Forget just pocketing cash for a shout-out; we’re talking about meaningful connections that can actually grow your audience. Stephanie explains how s
Molly Ruland stops by to explain how she started a branded podcast that brought in so many clients from season one that she had to pause it. For Molly, it is all about starting and building relationships with her guests. By conducting targeted outreach, she added 500 marketing people to her LinkedIn network, improving

Newsletters Part 2: How to Start a Newsletter Without Losing Your Mind with Paul Gowder
After a lot of feedback on the first episode about podcast newsletters, I wanted to answer more questions, and this time I brought Paul Gowder to help. We’ll discuss what tools to use and what content to include. If you really want to skip this whole newsletter thing, we've got some backup plans for you, too. Paul not
I ask my audience what their top pet peeves are just drive them nuts. We're spilling the beans on all the annoying things that make us want to tear our hair out while listening. We've got it all covered from podcasters who take forever to get to the good stuff to the dreaded mid-sentence ads that pop up like uninvited
Forget social media; if you want to drive traffic, newsletters are where it’s at. Seriously, I’ve been crunching the numbers and guess what? My newsletter is pulling in way more visitors than my half-hearted attempts at tweeting or posting on Facebook. Yeah, shocking, I know. It’s like trying to catch a fish with a too