Opposites Attract Podcast

Updated: 15 Jan 2024 • 268 episodes

Welcome to the captivating world of the Opposites Attract Podcast, where the forces of love, laughter, and life's extraordinary moments collide in a thrilling collision of personalities. For 15 years, Miguel and Sonja have shared their unique journey, where their contrasting personalities fit together like puzzle pieces. This chemistry has not only nurtured their loving relationship but has also empowered them to excel as parents to their three amazing children. In this exhilarating video podcast, Miguel and Sonja delve into candid conversations about marriage, parenting, entrepreneurship, personal development, and the secrets to maintaining mental health and physical fitness. Through their real-life adventures, which encompass the highs, lows, and the invaluable lessons they've gathered along the way, they invite you to be a part of their electrifying journey. Moreover, a significant facet of their story is how they strive to impart these essential life lessons to their kids. Join them and unlock the transformative power of opposites attracting for an inspiring voyage!

Show episodes

In this heartfelt episode, Miguel and Sonja reflect on a pivotal moment with their son Joey, who was grappling with frustration over a math worksheet. They share a powerful message about life's bigger picture, urging viewers to reconsider what truly matters. The couple emphasizes the importance of discerning between mo

63 min
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Miguel and Sonja debunk the notion of "faking it till you make it," championing authenticity's intrinsic value over external wealth. In this episode, they challenge conventional success narratives, emphasizing the importance of embracing one's true self. Through personal anecdotes, the hosts inspire listeners to redefi

77 min
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Miguel and Sonja discuss the profound influence of childhood experiences on individuals' adult lives. Delving into the challenges stemming from various upbringing scenarios, the episode emphasizes self-compassion and understanding as crucial elements in navigating the complexities of personal growth and healing. Join t

70 min
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In this heartwarming Christmas episode, Sonja surprises Miguel with a thoughtful gift, setting the stage for a delightful conversation about holiday traditions and meaningful gestures. The couple shares their excitement for the festive season and reflects on the joy of gift-giving. Join Miguel and Sonja as they unwrap

62 min
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In this episode, Miguel and Sonja delve into the significance of embracing opportunities for personal and professional growth. Drawing from Miguel's recent experience in recording a podcast episode outside the studio, they explore the reluctance to break routine and the rewards that come with challenging comfort zones.

72 min
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In this episode Miguel and Sonja engage in a thoughtful discussion on the crucial decision-making process at the end of the year. They delve into the contrasting perspectives of wrapping up the year with a powerful surge of effort or opting for a well-deserved break. Emphasizing the significance of surrendering to the

60 min
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