Nurture Small Business

Updated: 08 Jan 2024 • 168 episodes

Nurture Small Business shares small business growth ideas, survival strategies, and stories of how women entrepreneurs creatively nurture their businesses for success. Join us as we amplify our voices as one, uplifting and creating a thriving space for women-owned small businesses.  Topics included: Bipartisan Legislation that Impacts Women-Owned Small Businesses, Resources for Women Business Owners, Self-Care for Women Small Business Owners, Business Development, Boundaries Within a Family Business, Workplace Culture, Talent Management, Exit and Continuity Plans for Your Business, New Technology, Forecasting, and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. 

Show episodes

In the wake of significant changes witnessed in recent years, a remarkable shift in the workforce has unfolded. With the retirement of Baby Boomers and a rise in Gen Z workers, businesses must really consider what employees value. Join Denise as she dives into the current trends in the workforce, shedding light on thei

15 min
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Are you a business owner who finds it challenging to strike up conversations with new people? You"re not alone! In today"s podcast, our guest sheds light on the crucial role of human connection in the sales industry. She dives into how her curiosity became the cornerstone of her sales expertise and emphasizes the signi

23 min
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Mastering communication goes beyond just words, especially in the business world. If you’re an entrepreneur, finding the balance between effective communication and staying true to yourself is crucial. Today’s guest takes us through her experiences with both verbal and nonverbal communication, emphasizing how honing no

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As a business owner, do you feel it is your responsibility to be an expert in every aspect of your business? If you answered yes, you are not alone! Today’s guest shares her experience as a female business owner and how she dealt with overvaluing expertise and striving for perfection.  Sara Shelton, founder of PassionF

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As an entrepreneur, you might be struggling to figure out how to balance your life as a business owner. It sure was a challenge for me! That’s why today’s guest is here to share her own underdog story, along with the importance of having a support system and being transparent while running a business.  Tanya Alvarez fo

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Have you ever contemplated what could be holding your team back from unlocking their true potential? Our guest today reveals that the key to this puzzle lies within effective communication. You might be skeptical, assuming that your business already has a well-crafted communication strategy in place. However, our guest

26 min
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