Next Legacy Perspectives
The Next Legacy community consists of elite athletes, philanthropists, top-notch founders, and seasoned venture capitalists. The concept that athletes are now able to leverage their personal brand to access top investments is a well-known phenomenon. But every story is unique. Why do celebrities and pro athletes increasingly pop up on the cap tables of the latest hot startups, and do these influencers actually add value? Next Legacy Perspectives invites members of our community to tell their story of how they look at investing, startups, and the ever-evolving way that athletes, influencers, and venture capitalists leverage their personal strengths to succeed both as investors and as people. NOTE: Next Play Capital and Legacy Venture united as Next Legacy Partners. Any reference to Next Play Capital, the Next Play community, or similar is captured in the Next Legacy community. Learn more at nextlegacy.com.
Show episodes
Meet Next Legacy Partners. While many members of both the Next Play and Legacy Venture communities are aware by now, the start of 2023 has been an eventful one for both firms. Having joined forces, Next Legacy now stands poised to deliver lasting impact and superior returns to our partners. Next Play Founder Ryan Nec
Next Legacy is no stranger to serving the needs of athletes, but when Oren Gabriel and Next Play Capital Founder Ryan Nece, now Managing Partner at Next Legacy, first discussed the challenge facing athletes as they transition beyond the world of sports, both of them saw an opportunity. NextPlayU is the product of th
While immigration is a polarizing topic in the US, Welcome Tech and their vision to become the digital Ellis Island somehow manage to rise above the politics. Amir Hemmat, Welcome Tech's founder, explains that if you think of a country like a company, attracting the best talent and then creating ideal conditions for th
Harry and his teammates at Mill do not look like your typical early stage startup. For one, they come with a pedigree from some of the most iconic tech companies ever, names like Apple, Google, and Nest. He and Mill Co-Founder Matt Rogers have been in the trenches together, most notably building Nest from $0 to more th
Most venture-funded startup founders begin their journeys with grand ambitions from the outset. Such was not the case with Natalie, who started Babylist in 2011 to improve upon her own experience setting up a baby registry while expecting her first child. Now almost a dozen years later, she has both a tween and a compa
Chase Griffin is a quarterback at UCLA and perhaps the most pioneering NIL athlete in college sports. Despite having not yet regularly started at QB for UCLA, Chase has more brand partnerships than many of the best known names in the college game. Whether you love the new world of college sports where athletes can m