My Favourite Monster

Updated: 26 Aug 2023 • 45 episodes

Welcome to My Favourite Monster, a podcast where two professional house sitters, ttrpg fans and comedy fantasy fiction authors, George Penney & Tony Johnson consider every monster in the universe for their pet potential, one by one. Be it xenomorphs, Trogdor, Jaws or a mind flayer we will consider them all!

Show episodes

We investigate how a combined Meg-Jason Statham fusion would work as a pet and almost manage to make a coherent episode:Can you milk a cow shark?How exactly, do you grind cheese?Can you use Jason Stratham as a grinder? And yes, we pronounce Jason Statham"s name with an R because I once heard someone say it like that on

36 min
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We delve into the awful cult movie The VelociPastor and answer all of the questions:What use is a were-dinosaur at a children"s party?How cheap was the crappy dinosaur costume?Is China in Pennsylvania or Pittsburgh?What does a montage taste like?

32 min
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We"re back! Season 2 baybee! We kick off with the highly contested, Oscar the Grouch... yes, we"ll do a proper monster next time I promise. Anyway - we ask the real questions:Is his can nuclear powered?Is he a rent-controlled defense against gentrification?Is his girlfriend comfortable with his pachyderm polyamory?Can

37 min
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As we are just finishing off the edit on a book, we thought we"d have a (hopefully informative) rant about editors and the editorial process. Because gnarr.Signs your editor may stink and how to find a shiny unicorn.What are the breeds of editor?How much do they cost?Various stories from the trenches... Also on another

54 min
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So I had a think about it, and it turns out the Crystal Gem species is rather overpowered. Like... Immortal xenomorph meets nano-tech hegemonic-swarm combined with planet sculpting and  a side salad of resurrection plus faster than light travel. So I might have gotten a tiny bit ambitious with this episode...I work out

44 min
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We investigate "The Affront", one of the most charismatic and truly awful alien species to ever exist. A tentacled gas-sac parody of British aristocracy from the book Excession by Iain M Banks, one of the greatest science fiction writers that ever lived.I wax poetic about the post scarcity society known as "The Culture

41 min
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