Let's talk Transformation : The business leaders podcast
"Let's talk Transformation" is a podcast for busy yet curious people who want to stay connected. Bite sized chunks of thoughts and ideas on transformation and change to inspire and inform you - be it about digital, culture, innovation, change or leadership... ! Connect with us to listen to dynamic and curious conversations about transformation.
Show episodes
"Life doesn’t get easier, you handle hard better" Alan & I delve into the world of self awareness and personal growth. It all began with a moment that could have been his last. After a life changing car accident, which propelled Alan into a journey of self-discovery and growth, Alan shares how his experience at Cognex
"playfulness and adults is very under researched and under utilised in organisations to help people to thrive..." Elrika and I have a great conversation about the power of play and playfulness in creating workplaces where people and performance can thrive. Light-hearted practices enhance empathy and shared experiences,
"Clear beats clever, yet we’re still incentivising clever in organisations… “ A brilliant conversation with Eric about creating the conditions for both performance and people to thrive. We delve into the different parts of this journey to build a culture that enables performance. The acronym LoL—listen, observe, learn—
"we need to think of conversations as living systems...this mechanistic story is so all pervasive that we don't even recognise it... " A brilliant conversation with Michelle on creating sustainable conditions for people & living systems to thrive. Michelle offers a refreshing and transformative perspective of thrivabil
"The more cognitive diversity we have in the workplace, the better we will be as organisations if we can manage it effectively" Jodie and I discuss the shifts that need to happen to create safer and more inlcusive workplaces. Leaders play a pivotal role in nurturing a culture of empathy, understanding, and genuine care
"The path that leads to success is the path where you dare to take on those challenges and question yourself" A fabulous conversation with karl about crafting our own path in the age of technology. How can we use what technology brings to leaders as individuals and to the workplace ? Many of us fall into autopilot mode