I AM A Feminine Leader
Welcome to the I AM A Feminine Leader podcast, conversations with women who have transformed challenging life experiences into powerful lessons that have inspired community building in all aspects of their lives. I am your host, Michelle Hrycauk Nassif, Community Design and Impact Specialist here to activate the community builder in you with inspiring stories, practical tools, and strategies that anyone with passion and vision for community building can use to amplify their impact.
Show episodes
Meet Osprey Orielle Lake, founder and executive director of the Women"s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN). Osprey works internationally with grassroots, BIPOC and Indigenous leaders, policymakers, and diverse coalitions to build climate justice. In this episode, Michelle and Osprey discuss her latest book "The S
Meet Sheryl Proulx, Executive Director of Adoption Options, Alberta"s Leading Licensed Adoption Agency where professionally trained staff offer comprehensive and caring services working with expectant parents who are considering placing their children for adoption and with prospective adoptive parents who are residents
Meet Jordan Gilford, Founder and CEO of Gems for Gems, a non-profit organization committed to ending the cycle of domestic abuse by focusing on the economic recovery and empowerment of survivors, offering solution-focused and high transformational impact to survivors of abuse. This is the first of a 2-part community f
Meet Zainab, Global GLOW Girl Advocacy Committee member from India. Zainab is a par to of the Shohratgarh Environmental Society (SES) and passionate philantrophist committed to establishing a career that enables her to make personal investments in girls education. Go to globalgirlsglow.org to learn how to get involved
Meet Samantha, Global GLOW"s Chief Youth Correspondent and GLOW Club Alumni! In this conversation we discuss how GLOW Club"s are empowering Nigerian girls to introduce "selfcare" into their daily routines and incorporate "personal work" that is fulfilling. We also learn about Samantha"s advocacy role, her passion for r
TODAY IS THE DAY, FRIENDS! Oct 11th is UN Women"s International Day of the Girl Child and we"re celebrating my sharing important information and strategies anyone can use to advocate and support adolescent girls in their community. We"re also digging deeper into Global GLOWs Girl Advocacy Committee and the OctobHER cam