Extreme Productivity with Kevin Kruse
Would you like to 10x your productivity while adding at least one extra hour of free time to your day? Join Kevin Kruse, a New York Times bestselling author and Inc 500 serial entrepreneur as he shares time management tips, tools and actionable advice from entrepreneurs, self-made millionaires, Olympic athletes, straight-A students and other ultra-productive people.
Show episodes
On today\'s episode, I interview a 12-year-old novelist, who increased her productivity so much that she now writes over 2500 words per hour and finished the first draft of her book in only one month.
Pete Mockaitis is a former Bain consultant who now coaches top executives in extreme productivity. He is also the host of the How To Be Awesome At Your Job podcast.
NY Times bestselling author, Kevin Kruse answers questions from business students in June Covington’s Leadership and Motivation class at Chico State.
NY Times bestselling author, Kevin Kruse discusses the shadow side of having a growth mindset and more.
Michael Hyatt is a New York Times bestselling author of three books and his newest is Free to Focus.
NY Times best selling author, Kevin Kruse talks about the key ideas in his new book, Great Leaders Have No Rules. Buy the book here: http://norulesleadership.com