Excellence Above Talent Podcast

Updated: 25 Jun 2024 • 71 episodes

The Excellence Above Talent podcast was started because of death trauma and pain. Men are 3.6 times more likely to commit suicide than women. Men predominantly do the violence that happens in the US. Men in the United States predominantly commit domestic violence and sexual assaults. Ninety percent of the prison population are men. I want to start a conversation to get clarity and insight on why this is happening. Families are being destroyed, lives are being lost, and people are hurting from the hands of men, men who were supposed to be the providers and protectors of their families. As a BIPP (Batterer’s Intervention and Prevention Program) Director for 4 years, I have had numerous conversations with men about why they thought abuse was necessary or did not even know they were abusers. The conversation had in our class helped open my eyes and the eyes of other men. I found out that men want to talk about these issues, but there is no platform or space, so we keep quiet, not wanting to challenge the status quo. The Excellence Above Talent podcast will do just that; it will challenge everything we think manhood is. Join the conversation and let us fight for the state of man because this next generation of young men needs us too.

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Send us a textImagine living every day on high alert, never able to relax or feel truly at ease. That"s been my reality, and in this episode of Excellence Above Talent, I peel back the layers of my emotional struggles that came to light during a marriage counseling session with Pastor Mark Martha at Hope Alive Church.

16 min
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Send us a text Imagine transforming your life by embracing change and uncovering your true potential. Join me, Aaron Thomas, on this soul-searching episode of Excellence Above Talent as I recount my personal journey of confronting mental barriers and negative perceptions about wealth. From childhood misconceptions that

18 min
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Send us a text What happens when a soldier returns home but finds no support to help them cope with the shadows of war? On this impactful episode of Excellence Above Talent, I, Aaron Thomas, share my deeply personal journey from the battlefields of Iraq to the daunting reality of civilian life. You"ll hear about the ha

21 min
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Send us a text As I sat across from Keelan, Darrien, and Mavrick, the gravity of our conversation about manhood and masculinity couldn"t be clearer. Together, we peeled back the layers of what it means to be a man in the fabric of today"s society, where the threads of traditional and modern expectations are tightly int

29 min
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Send us a textStruggling with an addiction that lurks behind screens and clicks, I, Aaron Thomas, have fought a personal war against the grip of pornography. Today, I invite you into my world, not as a passive observer, but as a companion on a path paved with resilience and determination. Witness the profound impact th

22 min
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Send us a textWhen I stepped into the classroom at Nimitz Middle School, I wasn"t just teaching math; I was embarking on a mission to transform lives. In today"s episode, I, Aaron Thomas, open up about the powerful lessons learned from both my students and influential community figures like Colin Sewell. I share the em

27 min
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