Everything Financial Radio

Updated: 23 Jun 2024 • 52 episodes

DENNIS TUBBERGEN has been working in the financial industry for over 25 years. He is CEO of Personal Legacy Planners, a personal legacy company, and CEO of USA Wealth Management, LLC, a federally registered investment advisory company. Dennis Tubbergen has authored two books for consumers: Economic Consequences: Can You Survive, Even Prosper, From 100 Years of Bad Money Decisions, and The Retirement Resolution. Mr. Tubbergen has also been writing an online financial blog since 2008 which can be read at www.DennisTubbergen.com. Mr. Tubbergen is now in his fifth year of financial talk radio and currently hosts the syndicated weekly show The Everything Financial Radio Show. The Everything Financial Radio Show airs weekly and hosts numerous guests with expertise in the economics field. Mr. Tubbergen has also frequently been a featured and keynote speaker at many financial industry events. Mr. Tubbergen lives in West Michigan with his wife and 3 daughters.

Show episodes

This week’s interview on RLA Radio features Karl Denninger. RLA host Dennis Tubbergen gets Denninger’s comments on the economy, medical system, and politics. They also discussed the current state of the economy and the stock market. Denninger compared the market’s refusal to decline despite bearish economic indicators

43 min
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Our interview on RLA Radio this week features Alasdair Macleod, head of research at Goldmoney. Your host, Dennis Tubbergen discusses with MacLeod the state of the US economy and the future of the dollar. Macleod argued that the real economy in the US is contracting when government spending is taken into account. He als

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This week on RLA Radio, your host, Dennis Tubbergen, talks with Jeffrey Tucker, founder of The Brownstone Institute, about the history of government control over money and the potential for digital currencies. Tucker explained that historically, markets have been capable of producing their own money, but governments ha

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This week, RLA Radio features an interview with investor and author Jim Rogers, where he talks with your host, Dennis Tubbergen, about his views on the global economy, suggesting that the current economic boom, fueled by massive borrowing and government spending worldwide, will not last forever. He expressed concern ab

43 min
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Karl Denninger joins your host Dennis Tubbergen on this week’s Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio show. Denninger expressed skepticism about the recent healthy jobs report, noting that many of the jobs added were in healthcare and government, sectors that add cost to living but not necessarily betterment. He also poi

44 min
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Our guest this week on Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio Dr. Charles Nenner, an analyst who uses cycles to analyze markets, predicts a major depression worse than the 1930s is coming. Your host, Dennis Tubbergen, talks with Dr. Nenner about what else his computer-based neural network analysis of various cycles predi

43 min
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