Dream Power Radio

Updated: 21 Jul 2024 • 285 episodes

Welcome to Dream Power Radio, the show where we delve into the fascinating world of your inner mind with your host, Debbie Spector Weisman. Discover how your daytime and nighttime dreams are the key to unlocking your true passions and uncovering your ultimate purpose. With analysis and interpretation from expert guests, I’ll guide you on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, exploring the depths of your subconscious mind. Tune in to hear exclusive interviews with renowned  experts and individuals who have experienced life-changing breakthroughs and will share advice on how you can too. And for a chance to take the first step towards realizing your dreams, simply email debbie@dreampowerradio.com to claim your free Dream Power breakthrough session! Don't miss a single episode of the show that will empower and inspire you to live your dream life, here on Dream Power Radio.

Show episodes

I'd love to know what you think of this episode. Text me here. As many of you know, we are all energetic beings. When we learn how to harness that energy, we open ourselves up to all possibilities, including the ability to use it for self-awareness and self-healing.       Our chakras are where our bodies hold this ener

30 min
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I'd love to know what you think of this episode. Text me here. Meditation has been shown to have remarkable effects for relaxation and mental clarity. But many people shy away from considering a meditation practice because they believe it’s too hard or something they’ll never be able to master.          Best-selling au

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I'd love to know what you think of this episode. Text me here. Everyone’s definition of a dream life is different. This week we get to explore how one woman transformed her life – and it all started with an injury.          While overseas Patricia Gavin slipped and fell in the shower and hurt her shoulder. Her introduc

28 min
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I'd love to know what you think of this episode. Text me here. Are you the type of person who counts the seconds to quitting time on Friday? Do you wake up in the morning sluggish and unready to face the day? Do you give and give and give to everyone but yourself?             Everyone can suffer from burnout at one poi

29 min
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I'd love to know what you think of this episode. Text me here. If you need further reason to pay attention to your dreams, listen to the story of Teza Lord, an acclaimed gifted artist and author. A lifelong dreamer, Teza reveals how her dreams have influenced her work and helped her navigate through her life in many di

30 min
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I'd love to know what you think of this episode. Text me here. Have you ever had that gut feeling that wouldn’t quit? That whisper of insight nudging you to wait just one more day before making a decision? And if so, did you shake it off as a silly thought believing it wasn’t important and didn’t mean a thing?       Ev

29 min
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