Death Dhamma Podcast

Updated: 22 Jul 2024 • 136 episodes

Open and honest discussions with wise and skillful teachers about their experiences with life, death, and Buddhism. If you wonder how others on the path have dealt with death and dying and grief, be sure to listen in. Everyone has a story, a perspective, and a valuable lesson to share. Embrace death, live a full life, and learn to love impermanence because nobody gets out of this alive.

Show episodes

Through a series of insightful interviews with guests, Margaret Meloni explores how suffering can manifest mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The episode highlights the idea that suffering is a natural part of life and serves as a guidepost, signaling when something is out of alignment in our lives.  

14 min
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Meet Reverend Jessica Sharpe, founder of the Joyful Death Institute. Reverend Jessica shares their spiritual journey from being raised in a Mormon family to finding Buddhism, particularly the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh and Tibetan Buddhism. They discuss the Buddhist concept of the Second Noble Truth - the truth of su

40 min
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We all need to have difficult discussions. Host Margaret Meloni shares a personal anecdote about a situation where she avoided giving feedback to an underperforming employee, leading to negative consequences for both parties involved. This serves as a prime example of how avoiding difficult conversations can ultimately

14 min
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Ryan Gray, shares his personal experience with addiction and homelessness. He describes how addiction can make even basic tasks like getting to a shelter on time incredibly challenging. The stigma around homelessness and addiction often leads people to wrongly assume those struggling can simply "get a job" and fix thei

37 min
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In this episode, we'll explore the Brahma Viharas - the four sublime states of loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity. These meditative practices are key to gaining release from suffering according to the Buddhist tradition. We'll discuss how the Brahma Viharas work together to purify the mind and

15 min
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In this episode of the podcast, host Margaret Meloni explores two poignant stories from the Jataka tales, which are Buddhist stories that recount the Buddha's previous lives. Through these tales, listeners are introduced to the Buddhist ideals of selflessness, compassion, and the acceptance of impermanence. The first s

12 min
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