Brand With Bite
Brand with Bite is the meaty podcast that slashes vague advice & digs into the most shocking stories from history & A-list online entrepreneurs. Each episode reveals how YOU can boldly build a recognized business with obsessed, puppy-like fans. Instead of overwhelming fluff, you’ll lap up decisive, proven methods that have stood the test of time - and still drive the most successful online brands’ visuals, language, naming, messaging and business models today. So, put in your earbuds & take out your claws, fierce cat. Let’s dive into savvy, sometimes scrappy strategies - you can sink your teeth into. THE 2 TYPES OF EPISODES: -HARD HITTING INTERVIEWS WITH A-LISTERS: In these entrepreneur chats, we skip the origin story and get straight into “Tell me how you…” questions -BITE SIZE EPISODES - UNTOLD STORIES FROM HISTORY: Listen in on tales that weren't in history class for shocking approaches to branding you don’t get in the online Insta world.
Show episodes
Tracie is a powerhouse conversion copywriter (known for crafting compelling quizzes) with a foundational passion for ethical sales. Rerouting the world to connect through relationships, Tracie shares how to write in a way that feels good and “non-icky”, as well as growing as a copywriter. Whether you are a copywriter
Go from Burnt Out Implementer to Respected Expert, w/ Reese Spykerman
If you’re a solopreneur who’s burnt out or have clients that scope creep (sending you edit after edit mmhmm), this episode is going to give the bear hug you need. For. Real. Reese Spykerman is a brilliant designer and copywriting expert who went from burnt out implementor to an evolved creative business that fits her
Laura Belgray is one of the most real, successful entrepreneurs around, with the funniest stories you’ve heard in your damn life - that also lead to big money, a large Instagram following and your dream business. If you want to realize it’s OKAY to share all parts of you, learn how to tell stories that magnetize peopl
This badass, homeschooling mom of 4 built a multi-million dollar business online in...only a few years. If you want to launch a scalable product, create a course and STOP holding back your voice, do not do anything before listening to this talk with Kim Constable. This conversation will give you the most motivational,
Your life will probably change after this episode, that is NOT an exaggeration. Randi Halaway is one of the #1 influences of my entire life. Her guidance and methods have changed how I process emotions, see myself and approach every part of my life and business. I never want to imagine what my life would be like if I h
For years, coaches told Kristen Edwards she had too many passions, needed to focus or “just follow your passion”, but none of this advice felt right. Kristen has her Masters, years in the corporate world and was a high-end wedding planner and wanted to bring all parts of her into 1 kind of business. She KNEW it was po