Barely Serious
An UNCENSORED, RAW, COMEDY forum to tell stories, mess around, and be, “barely serious”. Hosted by Galyn Nash. Weekly new episodes, new guests, (Trevor Wallace, Mark Normand, porn stars, UFC champions, pro-athletes, ex-girlfriends etc, etc). Read the bio's, find an episode you'd like and enjoy. Subscribe! You can find Galyn on instagram @galynnash
Show episodes
Well.. Galyn goes on a tinder date, and she "doesn't fuck on the first date".. and then she FUCKS the uber driver Galyn paid for, in a parking lot during the ride, while he was paying for it. Hear all about that, and Eoghan's trip to Australia and Thailand. Enjoy Galyn's pain and Eoghan's fun on this episode!
@sevrinremmo is an air force veteran turned hilarious stand up comedian who recently moved to Austin and now finds himself on Galyn's couch after they did a few shows together! Yet another strong episode in a row that we know you will enjoy!
The return of everyone's favorite guest Dom Pierno! and we say this a lot, but this episode was absolutely hilarious! Galyn breaks down his Florida trip; including a pedophile heckler at his show, and his very first massage ever. Galyn also thinks 3 or 4 women want to marry him.. PLUS they debate whether the moon landi
BOOM, Episode 262 is with the man who adopted Galyn when he was 9 years old.. What an episode from all the mischief galyn got into as a kid, plus his perspective from coming into a situation like that (including smashing galyn's fingers in a door on accident the first time he met him). WHAT an episode, and what a treat
Brandon Legendre is one of Galyn's longtime comedy friends, who makes his 5th solo appearance on the podcast (not including roadcasts). The boys talk about dining and dashing, planning a wedding, California, and gambling.. Plus a whole lot more. Enjoy this episode! @galynnash @brandonlegendre_
Skylar King is a stand up comic from Iowa; who met Galyn when she opened for his show in Bend, Oregon in July. For 2+ hours, they talk about that awesome show, Cold Sores, relationships, Karma, and various diseases.. ALSO, Galyn talks about the wedding he attended in Orange County last week, including the airplane stor