Attack Ads! The Podcast
Attack Ads! questions the dominance of media supported mainly by the corrupting influence of commercial advertising sponsorship, and aims to raise both awareness and outrage at the limitations such a system produces.
Show episodes
Episode 260: Two Scientists. Find the Show Notes at: https://attackadspodcast.blogspot.com/2025/03/episode-260-two-scientists.html
Not only does a constant onslaught of information drown us, we must sift out not just business propaganda, but ideological propaganda as well. The effort leaves us cynical. We should blame those in the title of Episode 259: The Butchers of Certainty. Find the Show Notes at: https://attackadspodcast.blogspot.com/2025/
Putting the descriptor "foreign" on any term often gives it more gravitas, perhaps more of a threat, than simply uttering the term alone. I consider adversaries foreign and domestic in this Episode 258: Ticky Tacky Talkin'. Find the Show Notes at: https://attackadspodcast.blogspot.com/2025/02/episode-258-ticky-tacky-t
When we chronicle the efforts businesses have made to influence how the public feels about the government, into Propaganda’s Hall of Fame must go the National Association of Manufacturers. I'll share some of their efforts in this Episode 257: Here Today… Find the Show Notes at: https://attackadspodcast.blogspot.com/20
When one ponders stuff, it's best if one knows the actual facts of whatever it is one ponders, as opposed to made-up crap stuffed into one's head by others. Otherwise you might as well use a tarot deck and see the title of Episode 256: It's In The Cards. Find the Show Notes at: https://attackadspodcast.blogspot.com/20
We humans are funny critters, with loves and hatreds and outright loathings that too often bear no real resemblance to any cogent rationality. Yet it's all we've got. I explore this in Episode 255: Reasoning & Irrationality. Find the Show Notes at: http://attackadspodcast.blogspot.com/2024/12/episode-255-reasoning-ir