99 Humans

Updated: 09 Sep 2024 • 73 episodes

A multimedia platform centered on humanizing leadership. As we conduct interviews with a cohort of cross-industry leaders, we seek to tell stories about the human side of leadership. Join us and share your story at www.99Humans.com

Show episodes

"Climb the ladder!" How do you foster the courage and self-awareness to get what you want out of your career, instead of what"s obviously next? Jing Suk has held leadership roles in huge multinational corporations and smaller companies, most recently CEO at Skyrocket Studios. Jing shares stories about overcoming career

37 min
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How do you foster creativity at the core of yourself and your company? Valerio Cometti is Founder and Creative Director at Valerio Cometti+V12 Design, the home of Deep Design Thinking. Product design is such a creativity-forward business, and yet as founder of the studio Valerio shares how he has built a mix of skills

51 min
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Why are you a people manager, and how do you react when the going gets tough? Ted Fernandez is the Global Head of Product Marketing at TikTok, with an illustrious career across Tech Companies in the social, video, and education space. Ted shares a specific time when the perception of his team"s work was not what he wan

37 min
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You probably know that less than 10% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. What"s going on? Why isn"t this changing despite it being a known inequity? Jennifer McCollum is a trailblazing leader, currently CEO at Catalyst Inc, she is making her life"s work emulating authentic, human leadership while raising awareness and lifti

34 min
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What could one new habit do for you? Morris has a knack for building new habits... waking up early (4am!), going to the gym, months fasting from alcohol and social media, studying leadership, and more! Morris uses discipline to design a dream life filled with family, friends, and career while staying humble enough to t

49 min
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What"s the secret to expressing your personal genius? Tom Burke has coached TED speakers, C-suite execs, authors, Broadway singers and Hollywood actors for over 20 years as speech-language pathologist and voice coach. His job is to help people tap their passions, quirks, and sense of humor to find their voice, the raw

33 min
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