Yuval Noah Harari – Jamil Smith

Yuval Noah Harari is an author. Jamil Smith is a journalist and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Yuval Noah Harari and Jamil Smith.

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Episodes with Yuval Noah Harari & Jamil Smith

Jamil Smith + Sean Illing & Yuval Noah Harari 28 Feb 2017 • EN

Yuval Harari, author of “Sapiens,” on AI, religion, and 60-day meditation retreats

Yuval Noah Harari’s first book, “Sapiens,” was an international sensation. The Israeli historian’s mind-bending tour through the trump of Homo sapiens is a favorite of, among others, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Barack Obama. His new book, Homo Deus, is about what comes next for humanity — and the threat our own in

72 min
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