Vanessa M. Quirk – Helen Russell

Vanessa M. Quirk is an interview host, an editor, and a journalist. Helen Russell is an author and a journalist. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Vanessa M. Quirk and Helen Russell.

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Episodes with Vanessa M. Quirk & Helen Russell

Adaam Levin-Areddy + Vanessa M. Quirk & Helen Russell 13 Jan 2022 • EN

America's Sadness Problem (w/ Helen Russell)

You’d think author and speaker Helen Russell — whose professional obsession for the past few years has been happiness — would be loathe to discuss the topic of sadness. Au contraire. As she’s learned more about what it takes to be happy, she’s discovered it relies on perfecting the lost (at least in America) art of bei

84 min
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