Stanley McChrystal – Jordan Harbinger

Stanley McChrystal is a public official, an author, and a business executive. Jordan Harbinger is a media personality and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Stanley McChrystal and Jordan Harbinger.

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Episodes with Stanley McChrystal & Jordan Harbinger

Jordan Harbinger & Stanley McChrystal 23 Oct 2018 • EN

111: General Stanley McChrystal | Deconstructing Myths of Great Leadership

General Stanley McChrystal (@StanMcChrystal) is a retired four-star general, founder of McChrystal Group, and co-author of Leaders: Myth and Reality. What We Discuss with General Stanley McChrystal: What General McChrystal learned by reexamining one of his most controversial personal heroes. The counterintuitive abilit

57 min
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