Sirisha Kuchimanchi – Sai Kancharla

Sirisha Kuchimanchi is an engineer, an interview host, and a coach / mentor. Sai Kancharla is an engineer. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Sirisha Kuchimanchi and Sai Kancharla.

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Episodes with Sirisha Kuchimanchi & Sai Kancharla

Sirisha Kuchimanchi & Sravana Kancharla + Sai Kancharla 30 Mar 2022 • EN

Building a Solid Financial Future and Enabling Career Success with Sravana and Sai Kancharla

In this episode, we speak with siblings Sravana and Sai Kancharla about building a solid financial future and enabling career success as you enter the workforce. We discuss the importance of investing early and often, and how to navigate the workplace as a young professional, including tips on negotiating salary and be

23 min
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In this episode (Episode 16A) of Let"s Talk About Money, we speak with siblings Sravana and Sai Kancharla about the first financial steps that immigrants and college students should take when coming to the US to study. Sravana and Sai share their experiences and insights on budgeting, managing credit cards, building cr

15 min
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