Sean Illing – Francis Fukuyama
Sean Illing is an interview host and author. Francis Fukuyama is a historian, an author, and an economist. We found 3 podcast interviews connecting Sean Illing and Francis Fukuyama.
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Episodes with Sean Illing & Francis Fukuyama
Sean Illing talks with political scientist and author Francis Fukuyama, whose ideas about the "end of history" and the ideological supremacy of liberal democracy became well-known through his 1989 essay "The End of History?". They discuss Fukuyama's new book, Liberalism and Its Discontents, as well as some of the moder
Francis Fukuyama’s case against identity politics
Is all politics identity politics? And if so, then what does it mean to condemn identity politics in the first place? That’s the subject of my discussion with Stanford political scientist Francis Fukuyama. In his new book, Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment, he builds a theory of what ident
Francis Fukuyama on whether America's democracy is decaying
Francis Fukuyama is a political scientist, a public intellectual, and progenitor of the famed "End of History" thesis. But his recent work is his most important yet. Over two volumes, he's been studying how societies become safe, pluralistic liberal democracies — and then how those advanced democracies descend, and dec