Scott Young – Dan Moore
Scott Young is an interview host, a media personality, and an author. Dan Moore is a business executive, an interview host, and a media personality. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Scott Young and Dan Moore.
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Episodes with Scott Young & Dan Moore
Update: Get Better at Anything, with Scott H. Young (Science, Education, Learning, Self-Improvement)
Author, programmer, and entrepreneur Scott Young rejoins The Action Catalyst to talk about his book, "Get Better at Anything", including topics of discussion like what things it's NOT worth getting better at, what exactly IS "talent", the tension of learning, how these principles were on display during the Renaissance,
Ultralearning, with Scott H. Young (Science, Education, Learning, Self-Improvement)
Scott H. Young rose to autodidact stardom when he learned MIT’s 4-year computer science curriculum in less than 12 months. Next, he taught himself four new languages in a year. Such extreme self-improvement projects may seem outside the realm of most of our capabilities, but Young believes that the principles and metho