Scott Barry Kaufman – Lewis Howes

Scott Barry Kaufman is a cognitive scientist and an interview host. Lewis Howes is an interview host, entrepreneur, and author. We found 3 podcast interviews connecting Scott Barry Kaufman and Lewis Howes.

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Episodes with Scott Barry Kaufman & Lewis Howes

“Greatness is realizing your full powers of your entire being." Today's guest is humanistic psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman. He received a P.h.D. in cognitive science from Yale University and has taught at Columbia , NYU, the University of Pennsylvania. He hosts The Psychology Podcast and is author of 9 books, includi

111 min
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Scott Barry Kaufman & Lewis Howes 01 Nov 2017 • EN

Lewis Howes || The Mask of Masculinity

I look at a man as a symbol of inspiration. Someone who looks to be of service along his journey. Someone who experiences fears but has the courage to face them and move forward anyway. Someone who’s loving to all people and creatures in world, including himself. Someone who can take care of his basic needs and teach o

38 min
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"I think educators have a misguided view of how we realize potential and what these tests are actually measuring." - Scott Barry Kaufman Please come visit us, find the show resources and connect with the School of Greatness:

48 min
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