Sam Harris – Megyn Kelly

Sam Harris is a media personality, an interview host, and an author. Megyn Kelly is a journalist and an interview host. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Sam Harris and Megyn Kelly.

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Episodes with Sam Harris & Megyn Kelly

Megyn Kelly is joined by Sam Harris, host of the "Making Sense" podcast, to talk about leaving the toxicity of Twitter, how the middle gets attacked by both sides, partisans treating their opponents unfairly, his comments that went viral about Trump and Biden that caused Sam to step away from the spotlight, former Pres

89 min
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Megyn Kelly is joined by Sam Harris, author and host of the "Making Sense" podcast, to talk about political tribalism, race and racial essentialism, the woke left and victimhood, Trump and Biden and our political moment, Cancel Culture, finding inner peace and the value of meditation, social media and much more. Follow

99 min
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