Andy Paul – Donald Kelly
Andy Paul is an interview host, an author, and a business executive. Donald Kelly is a coach / mentor and an interview host. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Andy Paul and Donald Kelly.
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Episodes with Andy Paul & Donald Kelly
The 3 Things That Most Need to Change in Sales, with Donald Kelly
Donald Kelly is founder of The Sales Evangelist and host of the Sales Evangelist podcast. On today's episode Donald shares his top takeaways from doing 1300+ episodes of his podcast, including the (1) biggest surprises about sales and selling, (2) biggest misconceptions sales experts still have about selling, and (3) w
Donald Kelly, also known as The Sales Evangelist, is the host of The Sales Evangelist podcast and founder of TSE Sales Training and Coaching. In today's episode, Donald tells me he believes anyone can sell if they possess 3 traits: the desire, the hustle factor and proper training.