Oteil Burbridge – Bill Walton
Oteil Burbridge is a musician, an interview host, and a music producer. Bill Walton is an interview host, a business executive, and an editor. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Oteil Burbridge and Bill Walton.
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Episodes with Oteil Burbridge & Bill Walton
You are in for an extraordinary experience as Oteil and Mike welcome back the charismatic and inspirational Bill Walton. Dubbed as "the luckiest man in the world," Walton, known for his remarkable journey from a stuttering child to a renowned public speaker, brings a unique energy to the show. The episode dives deep in
“I just love reading about adventure and about history, biography, about why people succeed in life. And one of the overriding themes on the path to success is that as we're all chasing this dream, that when we come to the hurdles, when it seems like it's not going to happen, when the adversity is just overwhelming and