Oleg Lougheed – Srini Rao

Oleg Lougheed is a media personality, an interview host, and an entrepreneur. Srini Rao is an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Oleg Lougheed and Srini Rao.

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Episodes with Oleg Lougheed & Srini Rao

Srini Rao & Oleg Lougheed 29 Jan 2020 • EN

Oleg Lougheed: Overcoming Seemingly Impossible Odds

Oleg Lougheed grew up in a home struggling with alcoholism, poverty and starvation. He learned that the best thing he could do to alter his trajectory and overcome impossible odds, was to separate himself and say goodbye to his mother, his sister and everything he knew forever. He gave up his parents' rights when he wa

53 min
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