Kurt Nelson – April Vellacott
Kurt Nelson is an interview host, an entrepreneur, and a consultant. April Vellacott is a consultant, a psychologist, and an author. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Kurt Nelson and April Vellacott.
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Episodes with Kurt Nelson & April Vellacott
Kurt Nelson
+ Tim Houlihan
Jez Groom
+ April Vellacott
01 Nov 2020
• EN
Rippling with Jez Groom and April Vellacott
Jez Groom and April Vellacott, our guests in this episode, are co-authors of “Ripple - The Big Effects of Small Behavior Changes in Business.” It’s a practical, application-focused romp that uses a behavioral science lens to solve all sorts of real-world problems. Jez Groom is the founder of Cowry Consulting and has es