Michael Gervais – Sharon Salzberg
Michael Gervais is an interview host, an author, and a psychologist. Sharon Salzberg is an author, an interview host, and a coach / mentor. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Michael Gervais and Sharon Salzberg.
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Episodes with Michael Gervais & Sharon Salzberg
Transform Your Life with the Power of Loving-Kindness | Meditation Pioneer, Sharon Salzberg
"Love is not a feeling, it's an ability." - Sharon Salzberg Can we really change the world by changing how we relate to our own thoughts? Our guest this week, Sharon Salzberg, has spent five decades proving we can. Sharon is a pioneer in meditation and New York Times bestselling author who brought mindfulness and lovin
Meditation Expert Sharon Salzberg on Being Present, Letting Go, and Having Faith
This conversation is with Sharon Salzberg on Being Present, Letting Go, and Having Faith If you know her name, you know where this conversation will go: Mindfulness. Sharon has played a crucial role in bringing mindfulness practices to the West and into mainstream culture. She first began teaching mindfulness in 1974.