Melanie Mitchell – Lee A. Schneider

Melanie Mitchell is a cognitive scientist, an author, and a computer scientist. Lee A. Schneider is a lawyer, an interview host, and a business executive. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Melanie Mitchell and Lee A. Schneider.

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Episodes with Melanie Mitchell & Lee A. Schneider

Troy A. Paredes + Lee A. Schneider & Melanie Mitchell 27 Jan 2020 • EN

Part 2: Professor Melanie Mitchell. What’s Intelligence?

We continue unpacking with Dr. Mitchell the concept of intelligence and the importance of justice and ethics, including when it comes to computers.  In working on her book, Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans, Professor Mitchell had a few surprises about both the successes and limits of AI, and offers

34 min
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Troy A. Paredes + Lee A. Schneider & Melanie Mitchell 13 Jan 2020 • EN

Part 1: Profesor Melanie Mitchell. Computers lack common sense, at least for now.

 Maybe humans do too sometimes, but we are still way better than computers at common sense.  Dr. Mitchell, a computer scientist at Portland State University and the Santa Fe Institute, defines common sense as understanding the world around you by drawing inferences and making associations from other experiences.  Commo

31 min
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