Marcus Samuelsson – James Acaster

Marcus Samuelsson is a chef and media personality. James Acaster is a comedian, an interview host, and a media personality. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Marcus Samuelsson and James Acaster.

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Episodes with Marcus Samuelsson & James Acaster

James Acaster + Ed Gamble & Marcus Samuelsson 18 Sep 2019 • EN

Ep 31: Marcus Samuelsson

Top chef Marcus Samuelsson – the man behind Red Rooster in Harlem and Shoreditch, MARCUS Montreal and Marcus B&P – takes a break from the kitchen and lets the genie cook in the dream restaurant. And, for Samuelsson, location is key. Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive Productions. Artwork by Paul Gilbey (ph

65 min
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