Lisa Feldman Barrett – Scott Barry Kaufman
Lisa Feldman Barrett is a cognitive scientist, a psychologist, and an author. Scott Barry Kaufman is a cognitive scientist and an interview host. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Lisa Feldman Barrett and Scott Barry Kaufman.
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Episodes with Lisa Feldman Barrett & Scott Barry Kaufman
Best of Series: Surprising Truths about the Human Brain with Lisa Feldman Barrett
In this episode, I talk to renowned neuroscientist Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett about emotions and the brain. She reveals what the true function of the brain is⎯and it’s not for thinking. We also discuss the impact of past experiences on our cognition and what we can do to overcome our own detrimental patterns. Further int
Lisa Feldman Barrett || Surprising Truths about the Human Brain
In this episode, I talk to renowned neuroscientist Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett about emotions and the brain. She reveals what the true function of the brain is⎯and it’s not for thinking. We also discuss the impact of past experiences on our cognition and what we can do to overcome our own detrimental patterns. Further int