Lennie Ware – Nigella Lawson

Lennie Ware is a social scientist and an interview host. Nigella Lawson is an author. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Lennie Ware and Nigella Lawson.

Feel free to follow both profiles to receive their upcoming podcast interview appearances in your personal feed.

Episodes with Lennie Ware & Nigella Lawson

Jessie Ware + Lennie Ware & Nigella Lawson 30 Aug 2023 • EN

Second Helpings - Nigella Lawson

It’s week 2 of our summer Second Helpings series, and this week we take a look back at when the ultimate kitchen goddess joined us… Nigella Lawson. She had been top of our list since day one, and finally in season 4 we got her! We talk midnight snacks, her being a fussy eater as a child (there’s hope for all our childr

47 min
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Lennie Ware + Jessie Ware & Nigella Lawson 10 Oct 2018 • EN

S4 Ep 1: Nigella Lawson

Table Manners is back!! And what better way to start series 4 than with the ultimate kitchen goddess… Nigella Lawson. She has been top of our list since day one, so brace yourselves for mum and me melting over her. We talk midnight snacks, her being a fussy eater as a child (there’s hope for all our children), eating r

52 min
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