Kara Goodwin – Lorie Tesny
Kara Goodwin is a coach / mentor and an interview host. Lorie Tesny is a coach / mentor and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Kara Goodwin and Lorie Tesny.
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Episodes with Kara Goodwin & Lorie Tesny
Lorie Tesny
Kara Goodwin
20 Oct 2022
• EN
Finding Calm Seas: Diving Deep into Meditation | Kara Goodwin
Do you find yourself living in the world of “WHAT IF”? What if something bad happens? What if I can"t make a decision? Fear, worry, and other feelings can pull you into a dark place. If you are stuck in the past or projecting into the future, you rob yourself of the present. Kara Goodwin joins me today to help us fi