Jonathan Haidt – Dan Crenshaw

Jonathan Haidt is a social scientist and an author. Dan Crenshaw is a public official, an interview host, and an author. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Jonathan Haidt and Dan Crenshaw.

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Episodes with Jonathan Haidt & Dan Crenshaw

Dr. Jonathan Haidt joins us to discuss the psychology of America’s reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic and how to build resilience and thrive in this volatile, uncertain world. Along the way we explore the rise of micro aggression and “safetyism” on campuses, the moral roots of conservatives and liberals, the increasingl

62 min
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Best selling author Dr. Jonathan Haidt joins us to discuss the psychology of America’s reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic and how to build resilience and thrive in this volatile, uncertain world. Along the way we explore the rise of micro aggression and “safetyism” on campuses, the moral roots of conservatives and liber

62 min
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