Jeremy Welch – Peter McCormack
Jeremy Welch is an entrepreneur and a business executive. Peter McCormack is an interview host. We found 3 podcast interviews connecting Jeremy Welch and Peter McCormack.
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Episodes with Jeremy Welch & Peter McCormack
Beginner’s Guide #16: The Future of Bitcoin with Jeremy Welch
Location: Skype Date: Friday, 6th March Welcome to the Beginner's Guide to Bitcoin. Bitcoin can be intimidating for beginners. The protocol is complicated, the community can be aggressive and unforgiving, silly mistakes can lose you money, and it is easy to succumb to altcoin marketing. Bitcoin does though, offer you t
Bitcoin is More Than a Financial System with Zac Prince & Jeremy Welch
Location: New York Date: Thursday 11th July 2019 Company: Casa & BlockFi Role: Founder & Founder/CEO During the previous bull run, the hype led to an influx of companies using Bitcoin or 'blockchain' to inflate value and attract investment. Many of these were questionable projects, and some were outright scams. Even le
Interview location: London Interview date: Tuesday 11th Jun, 2019 Company: Casa Role: Founder One of the hardest things to define is what Bitcoin is. Is it digital gold, a medium of exchange or an entirely new financial system? As people continue to fight on Reddit about whether Satoshi built Bitcoin as a store of valu