James Lindsay – Charlie Kirk

James Lindsay is an author, a media personality, and a mathematician. Charlie Kirk is a non-profit executive and an interview host. We found 6 podcast interviews connecting James Lindsay and Charlie Kirk.

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Episodes with James Lindsay & Charlie Kirk

Charlie Kirk & James Lindsay 02 Apr 2024 • EN

Rise to the Occasion — Not To the Anger

Joe Biden's "Trans Day of Visibility" wasn't just pandering to the mentally unwell. It was a calculated insult to Christian America. But as James Lindsay explains, it's an insult we must not take the bait on. James makes the case to Charlie that aggressive transgender militancy is an "op" against the right, a trap the

48 min
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Charlie Kirk & James Lindsay 02 Jan 2024 • EN

James Lindsay Exposes the Plot to Queer Your Kids: LIVE at Amfest

"Queer" means a lot more than just "gay." As James Lindsay reveals on-stage at America Fest, "queering" your kids is tricking them into rejecting everything standard, normal, and good about life, reducing the world to a cacophony of mental illness. Lindsay explains the Marxist roots of this threat and what the battle p

27 min
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James Lindsay is one of Charlie’s favorite thinkers, and one of the world’s most interesting thinkers period. But how did he get his start? How did he become such an expert on Maoism, and how did he become famous by creating spoof papers ridiculing left-wing beliefs? And most importantly, what do you need to learn to p

56 min
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Charlie is joined live on stage and takes your questions alongside the brilliant Dr. James Lindsay, who provides a commentary on society that you probably haven’t heard before. They dive into the Target boycott, the objective truths the woke mob is willfully ignoring, and the Left’s plan to get you to over react. Suppo

62 min
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Charlie Kirk & James Lindsay 26 May 2023 • EN

Don't Fall for Drag Floyd! with James Lindsay

June is Pride Month, the most holy month of the year for the woke regime, and James Lindsay thinks that regime has a plan. Are the forces of woke ready for their "Drag Floyd" moment, and if so, what will it look like? Charlie and James have a far-reaching conversation on that, as well as what drives woke capital, the M

47 min
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Darren Beattie's Revolver News has a massive new story about a Green Beret targeted for retaliation after refusing to become an informant before January 6. Charlie and Darren go through what could be the biggest blow to the official J6 narrative since the discovery of Ray Epps. Plus, James Lindsay describes the deep ph

35 min
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