Jack Symes – Steven Pinker

Jack Symes is a philosopher and an interview host. Steven Pinker is an author and a cognitive scientist. We found 3 podcast interviews connecting Jack Symes and Steven Pinker.

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Episodes with Jack Symes & Steven Pinker

What was life like before we emerged from hunter-gatherer tribes and pulled ourselves into the civilised world? Notoriously, this same question was asked by the great philosopher Thomas Hobbes in the seventeenth century. His answer? The state of nature is a ‘time of war, where every man is enemy to every man’; where al

44 min
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Jack Symes & Rutger Bregman + Steven Pinker 06 Jun 2020 • EN

Episode 80, ‘Human Nature’ with Steven Pinker and Rutger Bregman (Part I - Humankind)

What was life like before we emerged from hunter-gatherer tribes and pulled ourselves into the civilised world? Notoriously, this same question was asked by the great philosopher Thomas Hobbes in the seventeenth century. His answer? The state of nature is a ‘time of war, where every man is enemy to every man’; where al

47 min
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Jack Symes & Steven Pinker 19 Aug 2018 • EN

Episode 44, The Steven Pinker Interview

As Professor of Psychology at Harvard University, Steven Pinker’s list of accomplishments is incredible; he has been named Humanist of the Year, a top “100 Global Thinker” by Foreign Policy and included in Time magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World Today.” Steven has also been awarded eight honorary doct

55 min
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