Ian Forrester – Sam Sethi

Ian Forrester is a multimedia producer. Sam Sethi is a media personality, an interview host, and an editor. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Ian Forrester and Sam Sethi.

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Episodes with Ian Forrester & Sam Sethi

Sam Sethi + James Cridland & Ian Forrester + Rene Aaron 09 Sep 2022 • EN

"Keep Calm and Carry On". BBC R&D launch 'Adaptive Podcasting' and Alby launch a new SAT's dashboard.

Guest InterviewsIan Forrester - BBC R&D - Adaptive PodcastingRene Aaron - Alby - New Dashboard Show NotesThe BBC Global News Podcast"s presenter Jackie Leonard, and producer Karen Martin, spoke at Radiodays Asia in Malaysia. The show, which is also recording a special edition at the event, is one of the top-rated shows

62 min
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