Greg McKeown – Jay Shetty

Greg McKeown is an author and interview host. Jay Shetty is a media personality, an interview host, and an author. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Greg McKeown and Jay Shetty.

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Episodes with Greg McKeown & Jay Shetty

Is it possible to get more out of life with less? Jay Shetty sits down with New York Times Bestselling author and business owner, Greg McKeown, to navigate essentialism’s insights. According to McKeown, essentialism is not about doing more things. It's about doing more of the right things. If you are overwhelmed with a

62 min
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Greg McKeown & Jay Shetty 21 Sep 2020 • EN

17. What's Essential: Jay Shetty on Thinking Like a Monk

Former monk turned purpose coach Jay Shetty (author, Think Like a Monk) shares his transition from corporate lifestyle to one of service and self-mastery. He and Greg discuss the importance of showing compassion and refining your intention. They explore how meditation as a lifestyle, exercise, and alignment in all inte

50 min
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